Our Mission

The purposes of Boston High School Education Corp. (BHSE) are founded in our Mission Statement:

  • To provide Chinese Americans a platform for cultural and educational information exchanges, thereby to better understand the differences between the Chinese and the U.S. education systems.
  • To provide Chinese Americans opportunities to evaluate and integrate educational ideas from both traditional Chinese culture and modern U.S educational practices.

The following are the basic policies of the BHSE:

  1. The Organization shall be nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
  2. The Organization shall work to promote the BHSE mission and specific program objectives. The organization shall seek to promote collaboration between individuals and groups, as needed, and the community at large.
  3. Participation in BHSE and BHSE-sponsored programs shall be made available without regard to gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or sexual orientation. Future members must provide a valid e-mail address, phone number(s), and a residential address. All valid e-mail addresses will be added to the listserv/mailing list in order to receive timely information and notices provided by BHSE.
  4. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, officers or other private individuals except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article III herein.
  5. Upon the dissolution of the Incorporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the organizations that previously received financial support from BHSE, or its designee, as approved by the Executive Committee.
  6. The organization or members in their official capacities shall not, directly or indirectly, participate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or distributing of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for statewide or Federal public office; or devote more than an insubstantial part of its activities to attempting to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
  7. BHSE may cooperate with other organizations and agencies as deemed supportive of the respective groups mutually beneficial objectives, but BHSE representatives shall make no commitments that bind the group they represent.
  8. BHSE is authorized to raise funds for the benefit of its mission and its programs and any other projects or efforts deemed necessary and appropriate by BHSE and which have been approved by its Executive Committee.